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Pricing :


  • All prices are non-negotiable. 

  • We reserve the right to request further information from you at any time to enable us to complete your order and/or to comply with regulatory requirements. We will use various procedures to authenticate each transaction.

  • By placing an order, you confirm that the details contained in the order are correct in all respects. The system will display a confirmation page listing out the details of your order. This confirms receipt of your order.  A contract between you and us is only formed when we receive your credit / debit card payment and send you a confirmation email that your order and payment has been accepted.

  • Please print a copy of the confirmation page for your records. For collection at our office, please also print the payment confirmation email and bring it to the office for collection as you will need to present the confirmation email to collect your order. We may, at any time, decline to process your order or any part of your order for any reason including where insufficient or incorrect information has been provided, authentication has not been possible or an exchange rate has been quoted in error. 

  • You will be required to pay for your order by making a payment via credit or debit card at the time of online ordering.

  • Please contact sales if you prefer GRAB PAY , PAYNOW payment arrangement .

  • Upon completion of your order you will receive an email, an automated order summary and an invoice. 

  • Our Customer Service hotline at 64404023 with your order reference .




Alterations & Changes:


  • It is your responsibility to read & check the quote thoroughly; any amendments should be made in writing.

  • All confirmed orders cannot be cancelled. Postponing of orders is allowed minimum 48hrs (2 days) before the original date of receive. Have to be notified before 2pm.

  • Postponing or changes to order colour/name, etc. will be $10. We will reserve all rights to not approve of the changes

  • All illustrations and descriptions displayed on website or distributed by email, brochure or in any other way are for guidance purposes only and will not form part of the Contract. We also cannot guarantee that all the product-lines used in the construction of our cakes will be available at the time of making. For example, when a supplier de-lists an item such as a particular stencil design, etc, we will endeavor to re-design this to reflect as closely as possible the spirit of the original design using replacement products.  In all cases we will try to contact you to advise you of any such changes, however reserves the right to replace these items of equal or better quality without consultation. We reserve the right to make alterations to the design, appearance and technical specifications of our products from time to time and at such time or at any other times, to make alterations to our advertised information concerning such Goods, without notice. 

  • Allergies & Special Dietary Requirements: All our cakes contain gluten, eggs and dairy products, so are not suitable for those suffering from intolerance or allergies to these particular foods. Please be aware that our cakes may/could contain traces of nut. will not be held responsible for anyone suffering from nut allergies. It's the customer's obligation to inform in a written form for any dietary requirements.  Non-edible items may be used as decorations or packaging for the cakes. It is your responsibility to ensure that any non-edible items are removed prior to consumption. 




Storage & Consumption:


  •, we take prides on baking our cakes lovingly so we know exactly what goes into them and with no additives or preservatives. We are therefore unable to make a warranty as to the length of time for which the cakes will remain fit for consumption.

  • We do however recommend our cakes are best eaten within 48 hours from collection/delivery but they can be chilled for up to 3 days. All cakes need to be stored in the refrigerator and brought back to room temperature before consuming. We do recommend that our cakes are best eaten up to 3 days after collection/delivery. It is the responsibility of the customer to keep the cakes in the manner prescribed by us and those rules prescribed for under AVA regulations. 

  • Packaging: Our cakes are packaged safely in boxes specifically designed for cakes. As such, they should arrive to you in the same perfect condition that they leave us in. Once you take your cakes from us, they are yours to treasure. They don’t make any noise, so remember to drive carefully! 



Complaints / Suggestions:


  • We take all complaints seriously. If you experience any problem with a cake, complaints must be made within same day of receipt of cake/ do not eat or dismantle the cake further if you intent to complain for a refund or feedback . The cake will need to be returned for detail investigation . Failure or return products but just complaint or pics will not be justified for any recovery from company.

  • The maximum refund offered is the value of the cake. Further compensation is not available.

  • We ask for patience with factors that may be beyond our control (e.g. traffic conditions etc.) as we cannot be held liable for any such delays. logo

Contact us:


253 Joo Chiat Road,

Singapore 427507​

Cake Shop Hours: 10am to 6pm daily

© EGGYI.CO All Rights reserved 2024

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